High Court orders Green Line to pay crash victim by Apr 10

Green Line Paribahan has been given until Apr 10 by the High Court to pay Tk 5 million to Russell Sarkar, who lost his leg after being hit by a bus of the company on Dhaka’s Mayor Mohammad Hanif Flyover.

The bench of Justice FRM Nazmul Ahasan and Justice KM Kamrul Kader passed the order on Thursday.

The transport group was warned that all its buses would be seized and its ticket sales halted on Apr 11, if it fails to make the payment within the stipulated time.

A crutch-ridden Russell attended Thursday’s hearing, accompanied by his wife and child.

Car driver Russell Sarkar lost his leg on Apr 28 last year after being run over by a Green Line Paribahan bus on the Jatrabari flyover.

Lawyer Umme Kulsum filed a writ petition to the High Court on May 14 last year, seeking compensation for Russell.

The High Court subsequently ordered Green Line Paribahan to pay Tk 5 million to Russell and the transport group had until Wednesday to do so. The group were also ordered to report back to court after making the payment.

But on Thursday, the petitioner’s lawyer Khondokar Shamsul Hoque Reza told the court, “Green Line authorities have not made any contact with us. I believe that they should physically appear before the court.”

In response, Green Line’s lawyer Md Ojiullah said that he had informed the transport group of the order. But the group’s proprietor is currently abroad for medical treatment.

The court later summoned the group’s manager to appear before it or risk facing arrest.

On Mar 31, the Appellate Division upheld an order by the High Court to pay Tk 5 million to Russell.

The appellate bench comprising four judges led by Chief Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain passed the order, rejecting the plea of Green Line Paribahan that sought a stay on the High Court order.

During the primary hearing on the appeal, Russell told the court that the Green Line authorities were yet to assist him financially. And that they did not even inquire about him or carry out his medical expenses.

After hearing Green Line’s explanation of the accident on Mar 12, the High Court ordered Tk 5 million in payment to Russell within two weeks.

The court also issued a rule asking why the Green Line authorities should not be ordered to pay him in millions.

The chamber judge on Mar 14 stayed the High Court order and sent the matter to the Appellate Division for a hearing after the Green Line authorities filed a plea asking for a stay on the High Court order.

Abdul Baset Majumder and Md Ozi Ullah attended the hearing on Sunday on behalf of Green Line Paribahan in the Appellate Division. Khabir Uddin Bhuiyan represented the writ petitioner.

Lawyer Umme Kulsum said the High Court order to pay Russell Tk 5 million along with other necessary expenses would be upheld because of the Appellate Division order.

The order passed on Mar 12 by the court also asked the Green Line authorities to bear the cost of Russell attaching an artificial leg using the latest technology.

The Green Line authorities were also told to bear additional costs if surgery was needed on Russell’s other leg.

The court on Mar 31 ordered Green Line Paribahan to submit a progress report on the implementation of the court order. The report was due to be submitted on Sunday to the relevant court, according to the order.

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