Pro-Haftar militia forces reach outskirts of Tripoli

Forces loyal to Libyan strongman Khalifa Haftar reached a security barrier within 30 kilometres (19 miles) from the capital Tripoli late Thursday, an AFP journalist saw, as world powers warned of consequences for military action.

General Abdessalem al-Hassi, head of operations for Haftar’s self-
proclaimed Libyan National Army (LNA) in the eastern region, said his forces had seized the roadblock without any fighting.

Haftar’s forces announced Wednesday they were gearing up for an offensive
in the west of the country to purge it of “terrorists and mercenaries”,
having seized key areas of the country’s south since the start of the year.

Dozens of uniformed men and a least 15 trucks carrying anti-aircraft guns
took up positions at the control point known as “Bridge 27”, just 27
kilometres (17 miles) from Tripoli, the seat of the internationally-
recognised unity government.

Meanwhile, fighters from the Tripoli Protection Force, an alliance of
militias from the capital city, announced on Facebook that they had launched
an operation to stop the LNA advance, without giving details.

Unity government chief Fayez al-Sarraj earlier condemned Haftar’s
“escalation” and said he had ordered loyalist forces to prepare to “face all

– ‘At the gates’ –

“The time has come,” Haftar said in an audio message released Thursday by
his self-proclaimed Libyan National Army, pledging to spare civilians and
“state institutions”.

Dozens of militias have fought for control of the North African country
since a NATO-backed uprising toppled and killed longtime dictator Moamer
Kadhafi in 2011.

Haftar’s forces have emerged as a key player, opposing the government in
Tripoli and backing a parallel administration in the east.

On Thursday evening LNA spokesman Ahmed Mesmari announced that the force was “at the gates of the capital”.

Unity government chief Fayez al-Sarraj earlier condemned Haftar’s
“escalation” and said he had ordered loyalist forces to prepare to “face all

His interior ministry announced a “state of maximum alert” and powerful
armed groups from Libya’s western city of Misrata said they were ready to
halt Haftar’s advance.

A convoy of vehicles from Haftar’s forces on Thursday pushed towards the
city of Gharyan, some 100 kilometres (60 miles) from Tripoli, witnesses and
military sources said.

Commander Abdessalem Al-Hassi told AFP Thursday that his forces had entered into the city without a fight.

But at least four sources in the city denied this, and a Gharyan official
said there were “ongoing efforts to avoid a confrontation” between rival
fighters who divide the city.

– Risk of ‘chaos’ –

Haftar has repeatedly expressed his intention to march on Tripoli.

His forces in January launched an offensive from his eastern strongholds
into oil-rich southern Libya, ostensibly aimed at wiping out “terrorists” and
criminal groups.

The latest rise in tensions came as United Nations chief Antonio Guterres
visited Tripoli ahead of a planned conference later this month to hammer out
a roadmap for delayed parliamentary and presidential elections.

“I am deeply concerned by the military movement taking place in Libya and
the risk of confrontation,” Guterres tweeted.

The United States and its allies issued a joint statement urging “all
parties to immediately de-escalate tensions”.

“Our governments oppose any military action in Libya and will hold
accountable any Libyan faction that precipitates further civil conflict,”
said the US, France, Britain, Italy and the United Arab Emirates.

“At this sensitive moment in Libya’s transition, military posturing and
threats of unilateral action only risk propelling Libya back toward chaos.”

The European Union warned that the “military buildup underway in Libya and
the escalatory rhetoric… seriously risks leading to an uncontrollable

The UN Security Council will meet behind closed doors on Friday to discuss
Libya, at Britain’s request, diplomats said.

Russia, which has courted Haftar, meanwhile called for a solution to
Libya’s problems through “political-diplomatic” means.

– Tripoli battle ‘possible’ –

Rival Libyan leaders had agreed in Paris last year to hold elections before
the end of the year, but that vote never materialised as Haftar’s forces and
the Tripoli government grappled for power.

The UN said Haftar and Sarraj agreed at a meeting in Abu Dhabi last month
to make a new attempt to organise the elections.

Libyan analyst Emad Badi said factions in western Libya were angling for a
joint front against the strongman, but “whatever the result … Haftar will
benefit from it militarily or politically”.

“His progress can enhance his position in the negotiations” if the UN-
backed conference set for this month goes ahead, Badi added.

Jalel Harchaoui, a researcher at the Clingendael Institute in The Hague,
said that “taking Tripoli is certainly not an easy or risk-free task, but
it’s still a possibility.”

“The risk of conflagration has increased,” he said.

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