JAAGO Foundation in collaboration with Democracy International organized Dialogue on Youth Priorities

JAAGO Foundation- a nonprofit organization in association with Democracy International has arranged a half day roundtable discussion for youth of Dhaka district at Emmanuelle’s Banquet Hall, Gulshan 1, Dhaka. Democracy International is a USA based development agency implementing Strengthening Political Landscape (SPL) project in Bangladesh, funded by USAID and UKAID and approved by GOB of Bangladesh. This roundtable discussion is a part of this project and JAAGO Foundation is the regional partner to implement this activity. The main purpose of this round table was to motivate youth to contribute in the national development process positively.

On this dialogue youth from the Dhaka Districts talked and discussed about 4 main issues like; Road Safety, Skill development and self-employment, Ensuring accountability for government service to end corruption and Society free from drugs and extremism. All youth participants agreed and on the issue of ending corruption and a society free from fear. All the enthusiastic youth shared their thoughts and exchanged their opinion on the above agendas.

Katie Croake, Chief of Party, Democracy International, Aminul Ehsan, Program Director, Democracy International, Korvi Rakshand, Founder and Executive Director, JAAGO Foundation and Reporter Mr. Tamim Mazid from Bangla News 24 were present at the event. On the other hand the representatives from both Bangladesh Awami League and Bangladesh National Party played a vital role in the discussion by participating and exchanging their views with the youth of Dhaka City.

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